Historical timeline of American Indian policies

A historical timeline of documents

This area provides an overview of important events and documents in the history of Native – non-Native relations. It is ordered chronologically, by different time periods, and contains links to the documents. Presenting a history through documents lets the readers come to their own conclusions. It also puts the responsibility to interpret and analyze on the reader.

This is not a full selection. The documents are selected to be examples and exhibits of larger dynamics. We are continuously in the process of updating the timeline.


  • 1400 – 1763

    This time period is marked by initial encounters and the establishment of relations. Spanish efforts are aimed at conquest, ending the sovereignty of indigenous nations. The French explore vast areas of the mid-continent, establish settlements along the Saint Lawrence river valley and the Gulf coast, and send missionaries and traders to live with Native nations. The English found colonies along the east coast and around Hudson’s Bay. Dutch, Scottish, Swedish, Basque, Portuguese, and other people establish communities in various places in North America.

    The Indian Provisions of the Royal Proclamation of 1763 establish the model for British and American relations with Native nations.